NRAEF : Blog
Chicago Chef Looks to Change Lives Through Culinary Mentoring
ProStart, HOPES Programs Change Lives
One of the best things about NRAEF’s development programs is not just how they can change lives but how the individuals who take part in them go on to change the lives of others.
Chicago chef Lakisha Hunter, who goes by Chef K, was a former gang leader who credits her ProStart high school culinary arts teacher with inspiring her to turn her life around. She is now a trainer with HOPES (Hospitality Opportunities for People Reentering Society) where she mentors young people at Lawrence Hall, a community-based service agency committed to helping heal the effects of childhood trauma.
Latest Blog Posts
National Apprenticeship Week – November 13-19, 2023
This week, the NRAEF is honoring the value of restaurant apprenticeship in building industry careers for workers from all backgrounds.
Hospitality Pathways Conference In Review
NRAEF : BlogThis past week, the...
Mini Docs | Teen Chefs, Big Dreams (ProStart on Public TV)
A documentary that tells the inspiring story of the 2023 ProStart® teams and educator from Wilbur Cross High School in New Haven, CT as they work toward the ProStart competitions.
PODCAST – CEO Series: How NRAEF Programs Build a Strong Workforce and Industry
NRAEF CEO Michelle Korsmo speaks with former Board Chair Kent Walrack and current Chair James Fripp about the continued success of the foundation’s programs
PODCAST – ProStart: Educating Tomorrow’s Industry Leaders
Chef Patrick Phelan, 2023 ProStart® Teacher of the Year, shares insights on mentoring the next generation of restaurant workers and the value of the ProStart Program’s hands-on curriculum! Phelan was just recognized on-stage during the 2023 National ProStart Invitational in Washington, DC.